Friday, May 28, 2010

How to upgrade google chrome for ubuntu 9.10

The stable Chrome is out for Windows, Mac and Linux. But it can be tricky to upgrade on Ubuntu. There are some recommended methods as follows, all by commands from a terminal.

Code 1:
sudo dpkg -r google-chrome
sudo apt-get remove google-chrome

Code 2, when commands similar to the above failed.

grep -nsR "google" /etc/apt
sudo apt-key list

If having difficulties with the package name, one can use the following command.

dpkg -S /opt/google

Then find the list and key information for google-chrome respectively, after which try the code below. Please note that the contents after "rm" and "del" depends on the out put of code 2 above.

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
sudo apt-key del 7FAC5991
sudo apt-get update

At last we can remove the chrome again, with code 1.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Free Counters for one's web page

Here are some free counters for one's web page for statistics of vistors. All of them do not require any form of registerations, therefore little there are little worries of personal information, unless one does want his or her web page known to the public (what's the point of having a counter then?).

Free and E-ZEE WEB COUNTERS ( is truly an easy to use counter for one's web page. Basically, only the URL is needed to apply for a counter. Number of digits and methods of counter (unique visitors or pageview) are the only two options.
As easy as it is to apply and setup, there is no visible option for modifying the once applied counter. Maybe one can simply apply again for the same URL.
In fact, the counter on this page is from this service.

SpeedCounter ( is another simple to apply service for website counters. There is only one option of starting count, besides the obvious URL.